Forest & Trees!

Put simply, there are four things we can do with our money. Spend it, save it, invest it or gift it. That’s it! I think a lot of us are being constantly pulled from pillar to post with these options and it is not always easy to separate the trees from the forest!

With the strong pull of instant gratification and the sense of “I want it here and now”, spending is perhaps the most widely used option! Of course that can be ok but it can often have a big impact on deferred gratification, on things that are perhaps more important and more aligned to our values but are perceived not to be in the present moment.

Getting the balance right between enjoying the here and now (which does not necessarily always translate into spending) and saving towards something or investing for the future is no easy task.

There is a good chance we could be around for a long time so removing ourselves, even momentarily, from the everyday bubble of life and creating a vision towards a desired future state can help us to focus on what is really important. Once we have a picture as to where we are today and where we want to go it should make it easier to take action on how to get there.

Making small incremental changes over time can make a big difference and can give greater focus on how best to use our money.